"You'll get dressed now," said his mother. "From now on you will do as you are told. There are changes coming for you my boy!"

"What changes?" asked Jeff moodily and for the first time looked up. Karen and his aunt Linda were standing by his mother. They were carrying a bunch of girl's clothes. His eyes opened wide as she said, "Well for a start, you are going to be dressed as a girl."


Jeff couldn't believe it him, dressed as a sissy girl! Never! They were crazy! They'd never be able do that to him! But they were carrying girl's clothes, and there were three of them. Suddenly he felt a cold shiver of alarm go through him.

"Dress up as a girl? You must be nuts. Who do you think I am?" Boys just did not get dressed up in skirts!

"Susan, you better start doing as you are told, girl!" said his mother sternly. "Take off your pajamas. We've not much time before the procession begins."

"Procession! What procession?" cried Jeff, confused and alarmed. These women certainly did seem serious about dressing him as a girl. He looked at Karen for support, then wished he hadn't, for she began to giggle, then said amidst her titters, “You really are going to be a girl, Susan, and you will be in today's procession with me. Everyone will see you in your new girl's clothes!" She was obviously enjoying this.


"There are changes

coming for you my boy."